
What is PECERA?

Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) is dedicated to disseminating and supporting research in early childhood education within the Asia Pacific region.

Objectives of PECERA

The primary objectives for which the Association was established are:

  • To provide an academic forum in the Pacific region for the development and dissemination of high quality research in early childhood education.
  • To facilitate cooperation and collaboration among researchers in the Pacific region working in the field of early childhood education.
  • To promote links between research and practice in the field of early childhood education.
  • To raise the visibility and status of research in early childhood education in the Pacific region.
  • To facilitate the exchange of information and views on early childhood education, to collect and disseminate information pertaining to early childhood education and to develop skills and techniques relating to early childhood education.
  • To promote research, studies, surveys, investigations and discussions of any nature for early childhood education, and to encourage and aid in the publication and public dissemination of results of any such research, studies, surveys, investigations or discussions.

These aims are to be accomplished through:

  • Holding an annual conference and other meetings;
  • Sponsoring the the Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education (APJRECE);
  • Establishing a Pacific network of researchers and scholars in order to facilitate communication, cooperation, and collaboration among them;
  • Organizing professional development opportunities for students and early career researchers at annual conferences.
  • Maintaining a database of member’s’ research interests, areas of expertise, and current research activity; and
  • Engaging in such other activities that might facilitate the development of research, policy and practice in early childhood education.

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